After authenticated, we will get the authorized data from the server such as token, role, permission, etc., and store them in the authentication service or local storage for authorization in router and component.


Permission service helps you getting permission and role from the authored data stored.

First, you should define the model of permission that is got from the backend. For example,

// permission.model.ts

export interface UserPermission {
  id: number;
  codename: string;
  app_label: string;

In the permission service, there are two important methods findPermission and hasPermission.

// permission.service.ts

export class PermissionService {
  constructors(private authService: AuthenticationService) {}

  findPermission(codeName: string): UserPermission {
    if (!codeName) {
      throw new Error('No argument code name at hasPermission');
    const userPermission = this.authService.currentUser;
    if (userPermission) {
      return userPermission.find(
        permission => permission.codename === codeName
    } else {
      throw new Error('Missing user permission');

  hasPermission(codeName: string, actionType?: string): boolean {
    const permission = actionType ? actionType + '_' + codeName : codeName;
    try {
      return !!this.findPermission(permission);
    } catch (error) {
      return false;

Some accession may be used to check the role of a user such as admin. For convenience, you may use getter for checking the specific role from the stored data.

export class PermissionService {

  get role(): boolean {
    return localStorage.getItem('role_name');

  get isAdmin(): boolean {
    return this.role === 'admin';


Guard is used for protecting URL routes from unauthorized user. The main guard that is typically used, is AuthGuard which verifies authentication (there is in Authentication). However, in some routes, you may want to have more than one guard.

For example, this guard checks the user who has the admin role and the view_memo permission. The true of returning will allow the page accession and if it isn't you can force to navigate to the default route by returning URLTree.

// memo.guard.ts

  providedIn: 'root',
export class MemoGuard implements CanActivateChild {
    private authService: AuthenticationService,
    private permission: PermissionService,
    private router: Router
  ) {}

    next: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
    state: RouterStateSnapshot
  ): boolean {
    if (this.authService.currentUser && this.permission.isAdmin) {
      return true;
    return this.router.parseUrl('/');
// app-routing.module.ts
export const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    component: MainComponent,
    canActivate: [AuthGuard],
    children: [
        path: 'memo',
        component: MemoComponent,
        canActivate: [MemoGuard],

See detail in and


To check permission, you must inject PermissionService in your component and create getter to use it.

export class Component implement OnInit {
  constructor(private permission: PermissionService) {}


  get isApprover(): boolean {
    return this.permission.hasPermission('approver');

Applied permission to your template.

<div class="example">
  <button *ngIf="isApprover">Approve</button>
  <button *ngIf="isAdmin">Edit</button>