Table of Contents
- Buttons
- Select/Dropdown
- Alerts
- Date & Time
- Editors
- Translation
- Charts/Graphs
- Icons
- QR Code
- Printing
- Files
- Utilities
Third-Party Libraries
This standard aims to help you select an often-used, well-used, common library for your projects.
- angular2-ladda is an implementation of Ladda, a built-in indicator for buttons.
- ng-select is a simple, easy-to-use, customizable, feature-rich select input for Angular.
- ngx-toastr is an easy toasts for Angular.
- sweetalert2 is a beautiful, responsive, customizable, accessible replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes.
Date & Time
[1] Moment.js is now in maintenance mode and not developing any new feature anymore.
- tinymce-angular is an official Angular component for TinyMCE, a popular JavaScript library for rich text editing.
- ngx-translate is an internationalization (i18n) library for Angular.
- ng2-charts is an implementation of Chart.js, a simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers and developers.
- ng2-pdf-viewer is a PDF viewer component for Angular 5+.
- Font Awesome is a font and icon toolkit based on CSS and Less.
- primeicons is a icon library for Prime UI Libraries such as PrimeNG and others.
QR Code
- angularx-qrcode is a generator component library for QR Codes.
- Print.js is a tiny JavaScript library to help printing.
- FileSaver.js is an HTML5
FileSaver implementation. - ngx-file-drop is an Angular module for simple desktop file and folder drag and drop.