CSS Framework

Bootstrap Tailwind CSS
Bootstrap Tailwind CSS
https://getbootstrap.com https://tailwindcss.com

When to use?

When to use?
When to use?

[1] Because currently, Tailwind CSS does not have much integration with our front-end framework, Angular. Developing interactive form with Tailwind CSS would generate a lot of work to do. For example, a static website project could use Tailwind CSS but a project with complicated forms such as invoice issuing and memorandum creation you might need Bootstrap instead.

Still don't know what to use?

Bootstrap should be your choice.

UI Framework

NG Bootstrap PrimeNG
NG Bootstrap [2] PrimeNG
https://ng-bootstrap.github.io https://www.primefaces.org/primeng

[2] Please note that its npm package name is @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap, not ngx-bootstrap which is another framework.

What to use?

It depends on which framework your code base was using. The important rule is you need to use only one of them, not both. There are some difference for your consideration between these two such as:

  • PrimeNG has more components than NG Bootstrap
  • NG Bootstrap has a better layout system from Bootstrap
  • NG Bootstrap has slightly more stars and download count than PrimeNG [3]
  • PrimeNG components are more customizable

You can use another framework as well. But you need to consult and get approval from Tech Council about your selected framework first.

[3] Reference: npm trends